Patient Resources

New & Returning Patient Resources

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new Patients

If you are a new patient to Craig Singer MD Dermatology, please go to the New Patients page to view downloadable forms.

Online Portal

Billing Questions?

Craig Singer MD Dermatology has hired a dedicated billing service, Modernizing Medicine, to process insurance claims. You may contact our billing service at 855-564-6962 to discuss your concerns.

If you are having difficulties with our billing team, please do not hesitate to contact our office directly at (248) 792-3785 or via e mail at

Questions about skin conditions?

View our patient information webpages. Craig Singer MD Dermatology is proud to offer detailed information about a number of skin conditions, along with several pediatric dermatology educational videos courtesy of the Society for Pediatric Dermatology. Many families find these videos helpful to further reinforce their understanding of skin disease and treatment plan.